Saturday, September 02, 2006

Black Board(10-1)


This is a very good Technique to enter the altered state of consciousness.You will start experiencing the inner realms of your consciousness after successfully practicing this technique.It will take you from the outer world to the inner world.And ,once you reach your inner world ,you can use that level of consciousness(also called Alpha Level) to heal yourself physically and mentally.You can make yourself stronger,you can move towards your Goals with more confidence etc.

Sit comfortably with your eyes closed.Imagine as if you are standing in front of a black board .You have chalk in one hand and duster in the other hand.

First ,you write 10 on the blackbord.Now you rub 10 with the duster and write 9 with the help of chalk.

Next ,you rub 9 with the help of duster and write 8 with the help of chalk.

Again,you rub 8 with the help of duster and write 7 with the help of chalk.

Now,you rub 7 with the help of the duster and write 6 with the chalk.

Now,you rub 6 with the help of the duster and write 5 with the chalk.

Now,you rub 4 with the help of the duster and write 3 with the chalk.

Now,you rub 2 with the help of the duster and write 1 with the chalk.

Repeat this exercise two- three times until you feel that you have entered your inner layers from the outer layers of your being.

After,you have completed this process,visualize the number 10 in the middle of your forehead.Visualize it bold and in a colour(e.g.Red,Blue,Green orYellow etc.).Now,change the colours one by one.

Now Visualize the number 9 in middle of your forehead and repeat the same process.

Now,take numbers 8,7,6,5,4,3,2, and 1 one by one and repeat the same exercise.

At the end of this exercise ,you will find yourself centred and will feel as if you have entered your inner self.

LOGIC:According to Tetteriya Upanishad,we are made up of Five Sheaths(PANCHKOSHAs) .These Koshas or Sheaths are:

1)ANNAMAYA KOSHA or our BODY which is strengthened by eating food.
2)PRANAMAYA KOSHA or our AURA which is strengthened by PRANAYAMA.
3)MANOMAYA KOSHA or our MIND which is strengthened by Positive Thoughts.
4)VIGYANMAYA KOSHA or our INTELLECT which is strengthened by gaining knowledge.
5)ANANDMAYA KOSHA or our SOUL which is strengthened by uniting with GOD in the state of Meditation.

So,to reach the inner Sheaths or Koshas this exercise BB(10--!) is very useful.


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Sunday, July 02, 2006

Explanation of M.T.s-7:1::7:1,B&N,BtI

Explanation of M.T.s-7:1::7:1,B&N,BtI

In the previous article ,we explained two Meditation Techniques OOOM/OMMM{Chanting of OM} and BI:BO{Breathing In,Breathing Out}.Today,we will take up balance three techniques of Category I-A viz.7:1::7:1, B& N{Balloning & Normalising} and BtI{Breathing through Infinite} .Please note that all these techniques are connected to breathing.
Sit comfortably with your eyes closed.
In this step,you mentally count 7 while breathing in and mentally count 7 while breathing out.You don’t have to hold your breath while exhaling or inhaling.Count 1in 7:1::7:1 signifies that you don’t have to hold your breath for long.
When you repeat this exercise for 3 to 5 minutes,your mind starts getting calmed down.You become aware of your breathing process and start enjoying deep breathing thus created.

B & N{Ballooning & Normalising}
Sit comfortably with your eyes closed.
When you fill air in a balloon,it expands.Similarly,when you inhale,you have to imagine as if your body is expanding.And,as you exhale,imagine as if you body is coming back to its normal state. The purpose of this exercise is to enhance you visualization capability while being aware of your breathing.
Repeat this process for 3 to 5 minutes daily and you will find that the expansion of your body is enhancing day by day and your visualization capability starts coming under your control.
You get these additional advantages while reaping the benefits of deep breathing.

BtI{Breathing Through Infinite}:

Sit comfortably with your eyes closed.Gently and slowly inhale through your nostrils,imagining as you do so that you are drawing the air from a point infinitely far away.See the air gently come to you from the edge of the universe.Feel it coolly suffusing you body.
Now slowly and easily exhale,sending every atom of air back to its source infinitely far away.It may help if you visualize a thread that extends from you to the far reaches of the cosmos.You can also visualize a star hovering in front of you that is sending light from infinitely far away.In eighter case,imagine thread or the star as your source of air.

This exercise,once again, enhances your visualization capability while allowing you all the benefits of Deep Breathing.This exercise also reminds you of your connection with the entire universe.

These Five Basic Breathing Exercises covered in previous article and in this article will help you a lot in reaching the deeper levels of Meditation.

The Meditation Techniques outlined in Category I-B will be explained in the next article.
Mukul Chaudhri
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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Explanation of Meditation Techniques-I

Explanation of Meditation Techniques_I

We categorized all the techniques of Basic Workshop(PTM Workshop-I) into three categories viz.Category I-A,Category I-B and Category II.
Category I-A mainly consists of some techniques related to breathing,Viz.

#OOM/OOM {Chanting of OM}
#BI:BO {Breathing in,Breathing Out}
#B & N {Ballooning & Normalising}
#BtI {Breathing Through Infinite}

OOOM/OMMM: During this step OM,the name of almighty,is repeated loudly by all the members together.This step is further subdivided into two steps:-During the first step,AU(O) is loudly spoken 2/3rd of the time and MM is spoken only 1/3rd of the time , while during the second step,AU(O) is spoken only 1/3rd of the time and MMM is repeated 2/3rd of the time.While we repeat MMM with closed mouth,experience of Bhramari Pranayama is witnessed.In Fact,whole of the universe is said to be contained in the word OM.According to our Upanishads,word OM is said to be formed wirh the help of Hindi alphabets 'aa''uu'and'mm'(Small Matras).'a' stands for PARMATMA,'u'stands for JIVATMA and 'm' stands forPRAKRITI.Since this small word contains the whole universe,this is the most appropriate name of GOD.

BI:BO: During this step,you just have to be aware that you are breathing also.We are spending 24 hours of the day in attaining various goals, executing all our important tasks .But,in the process we forget the most important function of our body & that is breathing.We forget that if our breath stops,we will no more be part of this world,we will no more be part of this system.We will no more be an achiever,we will no more be a go getter.

So,you have to be aware of the most important function(Breathing) of our body at all times; while you are BREATHING IN and while you are BREATHING OUT(BI:BO) .You can achieve this awareness if You start practicing it during Meditation Sessions.To achieve this,during the second step of you Meditation practice,keep your eyes closed and Mentally repeat the following sentence again & again:


Rest of the techniques of ‘category I-A’ viz.’7:1::7:1’,’B&N’ and ‘BtI’ will be explained in the next article.
Mukul Chaudhri
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Sunday, June 04, 2006

Meditation Techniques----Basic Workshop


Much has been theoretically said about Meditation.So,Now let’s start the Practicals.The categorization of Meditation Techniques can be initially done in two parts.First category consists of the techniques,using which, we can enter the state of Meditation.Second category of techniques are those which are practiced after entering the state of meditation using the techniques of category I.

The techniques taken up in Category I are,therefore, simpler to understand and practice.The following techniques can be taken under Category I:
Category I-A
# OOM/OOM {Chanting of OM}
# BI:BO {Breathing in,Breathing Out}
# 7:1::7:1
# B & N {Ballooning & Normalising}
# BtI {Breathing Through Infinite}

# BB(10_____1) {Black Board 10_____1}
# I.M. {Inside Muscles}
# I.O. {Inside Organs}
# P.R. {Progresive Relaxation}
# Affmns {Affirmations}
# BNP(10____1) {Beautiful Natural Place}
# HE {Happiness Event}

The following techniques may be grouped under CategoryII:
a) SS(N____P) {SS=Sea Shore}
b) QL(ILU) {Quiet Lake ,I Love You}
c) T.G.A. {Thank God for Assets}
d) F(o) {Forgive Others}
e) F(y) {Forgive Yourself}
f) W.P./2+2+2 {World Problem}
g) H.P.(o)/2+2+2 {Human Problem-Others}
h) H.P.(Y)/2+2+2 {Human Problem-Yourself}
i) Finding Love
j) A.O.G. {Attributes of God}

After all these techniques are explained one by one,we’ll start tak
ing up some advanced techniques under Category IV also. We’ll start taking up these techniques one by one from the next issue.

Mukul Chaudhri
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006



Much has been said theoretically about Meditation.So,Now let’s start the Practicals.Following technique can be successfully practiced by anybody who wants to enjoy the bliss and resultant benefits:

Step1 :OOOM/OMMM 3min
Step2 :BI:BO 3min
Step3 :BB(10---1) 3min
Step4 :Affirmations 6min
Step5 :Nothing Doing 5min
Total 20min

Let us now try to understand what the abovementioned abbreviations mean:

Step1:OOOM/OMMM: During this step OM,the name of almighty,is repeated loudly by all the members together.This step is further subdivided into two steps:-During the first step,AU(O) is loudly spoken 2/3rd of the time and MM is spoken only 1/3rd of the time , while during the second step,AU(O) is spoken only 1/3rd of the time and MMM is repeated 2/3rd of the time.While we repeat MMM with closed mouth,experience of Bhramari Pranayama is witnessed.In Fact,whole of the universe is said to be contained in the word OM.According to our Upanishads,word OM is said to be formed wirh the help of Hindi alphabets 'aa''uu'and'mm'(Small Matras).'a' stands for PARMATMA,'u'stands for JIVATMA and 'm' stands forPRAKRITI.Since this small word contains the whole universe,this is the most appropriate name of GOD.

Step2:BI:BO: During this step,you just have to be aware that you are breathing also.We are spending 24 hours of the day in attaining various goals, executing all our important tasks .But,in the process we forget the most important function of our body & that is breathing.We forget that if our breath stops,we will no more be part of this world,we will no more be part of this system.We will no more be an achiever,we will no more be a go getter.

So,you have to be aware of the most important function(Breathing) of our body at all times while you are BREATHING IN & BREATHING OUT(BI:BO) .You can achieve this awareness if You start practicing it during Meditation Sessions.To achieve this,during the second step of you Meditation practice,keep your eyes closed and Mentally repeat the following sentence again & again:


Just by repeating this sentence again and again,you will start getting focussed towards your BREATH.You will find that your breath will automatically start getting Deeper & Deeper and you will start getting Calmer & Calmer.The production in your Thought Factory (Mind) will reduce and you will be ready to experience deeper levels of Meditations.

Step3:BB(10----1): Visualize that you are standing in front of a Blackboard with chalk in one hand and duster in the other hand.First,you write 10 on the blackboard ,then you wipe off 10 from the duster and write 9.Then,you wipe off 9 from the duster and write 8.Then, you wipe off 8 and write 7 from the chalk.Continue to imagine the same until you wipe off 2 and write 1 from the chalk on the blackboard.

Repeat this process two to three times mentally and you will find that you have started to enter the inner realms of yourself.In Tatteriya Upanishad,5 layers have been depicted as 1.Annamaya Kosha,2.Pranamaya Kosha,3.Manomaya Kosha,4.Vigyanmaya Kosha and 5.Anandmaya Kosha .

This exercise helps you to enter deeper states of Meditation quite easily.
Step4.Affirmations: This step ,if done properly,is most instrumental for personal tranformation.Positive Affirmations are Positive Statements, which,if repeated mentally in the relaxed state of mind,can produce significant positive changes in your life.The more you repeat the Affirmations,the more they sink into your 'Subconscious Mind' and more benefit you can extract out of them.

A Positive Affirmation is framed 'As If ' you fully believe in it,'As If' your behaviour is already as positive as depicted by the Affirmation.Some of the examples of such Affirmations are as below:

"Every day in every way I'm getting better,better,better and better."
"Every moment of my life is full of Enthusiasm,Joy and Bliss"
"I feel happy,I feel healthy,I feel terrific."
"The light of God within me is producing perfect results in my life now."
"As soon as i get up in the morning,i choose to remain happy throughout the day."
"Whenever i stand in front of a mirror,i deeply look into my eyes and smile."
"I tell myself good news before leaving the bed in the morning."
"I catch the people doing something right and praise."
"I love my work and enjoy doing it."
"I make it a habit to be happy."
"I love and appreciate myself just as i am."
"The more i love myself,the more i;m able to love others."
"The more i give,the more i receive and happier i feel."
"God is always with me,God is always helping me,God is always guiding me."
"I can do all things through God who strengthened me.I am drawing/receiving immense power from God."

If possible,read the article "As If Principle" published previously.

Step5.Nothing Doing: During this last and most important step ,you don't have to do anything.You just let happen whatever happens.
Just enjoy the peacefulness of your mind.Experience the blissful state of your inner being for as long as possible.

I'm sure everybody will benefit from this process.

Mukul Chaudhri
join Yahoogroup(PositiveThinking_Meditation) at

Tuesday, April 04, 2006



It has now been proven through previous exercise that as you calm your body,your mind also calms down automatically,as there is close connection between your mind & body.It is also interesting to note that you were able to calm your body with the help of some Positive Thoughts called Affirmations e.g. “The muscles of the my right thigh are at ultimate peace and are working in perfectly healthy and normal manner.”
And these positive thoughts were generated in your mind.So,it is established that you used your mind to calm your body and in turn your mind also became calm & quiet.
Now let us see how was that possible?How come that you say that your thigh muscles are working peacefully in a healthy manner & it actually starts happening?Do your muscles understand what you want to convey them?
Are your other body parts intelligent?Let’s examine it little bit more in detail.

The smallest part of our body are ‘cells’.These ‘cells’are made up of “Protein Bags”.These protein bags are made up of Molecules and these Molecules are made up of Atoms.So,in a way our body is made up essentially of atoms.

Approximately 150 years ago, great scientist Rutherford established that 99.9% of an atom is an empty space.He speculated that in all the atoms the ‘matter’ accounts for much less than even 1%.Now,a new question arises ,”What does this 99.9% empty space contain?”The answer is that this empty space consists of “Energy” and “ Information”.

As whole of this universe is made up of atoms as the smallest particles,it also proves that this universe is essentially made up of nothing but “Energy” & “Information”.

This proves that whole of this universe including every atom of our body is full of energy and information.In other words each and every atom is full of knowledge.And when we supply some information to the various parts of our body,the atoms of that part of our body tend to receive that information.And if that information is positive,our body parts receiving that information start getiing benefited.


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Sunday, February 12, 2006



If you are successful to calm your body with your eyes closed for at least 15 minutes daily,you have created a ground for doing Meditation successfully for the rest of your life attaining extraordinary benefits of having balanced mind even in extremely adverse circumstances.


Sit down in a comfortable posture,preferably cross legged.If due to some health problem,you are unable to cross your legs,you can choose to sit on a chair with your feet flat on the ground.You don’t have to sit barefooted in this case.Have a rug lie on the floor and put your feet flat on the rug.


Close your eyes and do nothing.Do not force your mind to think about anything.Let whatever thoughts come to your mind.Don’t resist.Unwanted thoughts will automatically go away.Let the thoughts come and go,come and go,come and go. 3 mins.

Step 3:

Now,keeping your eyes closed,take your attention to the sole of your right foot
Mentally examine the muscles of your sole from inside & mentally AFFIRM:

“The muscles of the sole of my right foot are at ultimate peace and are working in perfectly healthy and normal manner.”

Now take your attention to the calf muscles of the right leg. Mentally examine the muscles of your calf from inside & mentally AFFIRM:

“The calf muscles of the my right leg are at ultimate peace and are working in perfectly healthy and normal manner.”

Now take your attention to the muscles of your right thigh. Mentally examine the muscles of your thigh from inside & mentally AFFIRM:

“The muscles of the my right thigh are at ultimate peace and are working in perfectly healthy and normal manner.”

Now repeat the same exercise for your Left Sole,Left Calf Muscles & Left Thigh Muscles.

Now,take your attention to your back muscles and repeat the same exercise.

Now,take your attention to the following parts of the body one by one in the similar manner and repeat the same exercise:

Right Shoulder

Right Arm

Right Palm and Fingers

Left Shoulder

Left Arm

Left Palm & Fingers

Stomach Muscles
Chest Muscles
Throat Muscles
Chin & Face
Top of the Head
All the remaining Muscles

To make your visualization more vivid,you can view the pictures of muscles of your body with the help of an encyclopaedia .The charts depicting Muscular System of human body are also available in the market. 9 mins.

Step 4:By the time ,you complete this cycle of calming your body,you find that your mind is completely calmed down & by he end of this exercise you get a glimpse of the bliss of doing the meditation you are looking for. Enjoy this state for as long as you wish. For, when you become thoughtless during meditation,the feeling can not be depicted by words.

This exercise is practiced by the beginners in almost all the sects.Somwhere it is used in Yog Nidra also.Some Meditation Teachers call it Progressive Relaxation & some others call it Kayotsarg.

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